Surgical retina
This service deals with conditions affecting the photographic film at the back of the eye called the retina and the jelly within the eye called the vitreous.
This service focuses on specific conditions which may need surgical intervention.
We look after patients suffering from a range of retinal disorders, including:
- Retinal detachments, tears, or holes
- Epiretinal membrane (ERM)
- Vitreomacular traction (VMT)
- Macular hole
- Vitreous haemorrhage
You'll probably come to our outpatient department for one of our regular clinics. On arrival you should report to the reception desk. A vision test is undertaken on all appointments. It consists of you reading a chart of letters, giving us a record of your distance vision.
Depending on your eye condition, the technician might do other tests. Generally, most patients will need an OCT scan which is a safe and painless scan of the retina that only takes a few seconds and gives the team detailed information about the different layers of the retina. They might also need to use eye drops to dilate your pupil (make the black part in the centre of your eye bigger), so that the doctor or practitioner can get a better view of the back of the eye. These drops can take 10-20 minutes to work, and will blur your vision and make you more sensitive to light for a few hours.
We recommend that you do not drive for around 4-6 hours following drops to enlarge your pupils. It is important to arrange for someone to drive you home. You may also want help if you are coming by public transport - we advise this for anyone coming here for the first time, but you may feel comfortable to use public transport alone depending on how you personally manage with your vision after having the drops. We also recommend bringing sunglasses and a sunhat or peaked cap.
Once all the tests are completed, you will be called in to talk to one of our doctors or specialist practitioners.
Treatment will vary, depending on your diagnosis.
Some conditions do not require treatment. Others may need laser treatment or surgery.
All treatments are considered and discussed with you on a case-by-case basis.
Mr James Benzimra
Mr Daniel Byles
5-km Darkhana Road, Plot C, Kamay Shah PirMahal ( T.T. Singh Punjab).
If you have any questions regarding your operation, please contact Eye Day Case Unit on 03001363515. They are available 9am-5.30pm, Monday to Friday.
At AR Medi Care Hospital, the receptionists will guide you. Phone enquiries should be directed to RD&E Wonford as above.